Biz 4 Good Show

With Bobby Glen James & Ryan Pilkington

From humble beginings

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We welcome you to our new website and our new podcast! What is this all about anyways? I have been listening to Business Podcast for some years now, always digging to find the new tool, the new trick or how to grow my business. One day a mentor stated that in business finding your “WHY” and doing what you are passionate about makes business much better! You tend to stick to it during the hard times and you can always go back to your “WHY”

My vision has always been to give back to the world and luckily I was inspired to start my Start up Venture “Advocate Tees” and online apparel business that donates a percentage of it’s revenue to nonprofits that focus on helping those being affected by being Bullied or to help prevent suicide and suicide education. My journey started in a way I never dreamed of, by starting my own business as a graphic designer. It was the hardest 2 years of my life and it was really hard to find my “Why” ~ In Fact from this attempt at business I started to find Mentors and leaders that would steer me in the right direction.

Biz4Good Show is an exciting podcast but Bobby and I, believe that is more of a movement. You will find that in the next few episodes to come we have interviewed passionate business owners that love to do good in business and have done as I have done; putting doing good in the mission of their companies. From Marketing PR to new and developing apps that help keep us safe from pornography, we feel that you will be inspired, have some crazy fun times along the way in this Show Like podcast that we hope you will come to love and we hope to keep getting better and better at it.