Biz 4 Good Show

With Bobby Glen James & Ryan Pilkington

Ep43 Why put so much focus on compassion? Travis Hysell

The #Biz4GoodShow

Episode 43: Travis Hysell – Legacy Initiative


The #Biz4GoodShow Episode 42: Travis Hysell from “Why put so much focus on compassion?”#BeGoodDoGood Live! On Facebook & YouTube, Wednesday (this week) Nov 8th at 2pm MST


Travis Hysell is founder and board chair of The Legacy Initiative, a Utah grassroots non-profits that does outreach to Salt Lake City’s homeless. Formed in 2012, the organization includes seven unique teams made up of 700+ volunteers aimed at fighting hunger, providing humanitarian aid and educating people. The Humanitarian Services Team, for instance, renders services and direct aid to those experiencing homeless and their pets. The Red Team provides safety and community-watch services, while the “Causeplay” Team volunteers dress up in high end superhero and princess costumes to bring sunshine to kids suffering from homelessness, poverty and serious illness. The legacy in Hysell’s mind is “to remind the members of our communities how to look after those in need, and to get engaged in creating positive change at a local level. We want to inspire all people to be the change, and make a permanent, positive contribution to our community; to build a legacy we all can be proud of.”


“Welcome to the B4G show!!! With your hosts


Bobby Glen James & Ryan PILKINGTON!”





Plug for the B4G roadshow:  Check out The #Biz4GoodShow

Episode 42: “Thor Ragnorok Roadtrip with Emily Hayes”


What a Movie!  What a Great Way to Appreciate People!




Biz4GoodShow Sponsors


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B4G Segments


Biz Hack:


Oxygen Mask concept.  The first thing you have to do is take care of yourself.  Travis has a headcold, and is living this principle.  The Good Work.


Ryan talks about a gentleman from Thailand who puts so much energy into helping his family, but laments not taking better care of himself.


Burnout is so huge in the nonprofit world.  –Travis



Good News:


Chairs along the way….listen to the audio clip & check out the B4G Facebook page.

For 95-Year-old Who Loves to Walk, Neighbors Along the Mile Set Out Chairs for Him



Bobby loves it when people in their 90’s are doing something.  This is a beautiful example and an inspiration.



Quote of the Day:


“Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody.”


That is exactly what we are talking about today.  Compassion.


Just being good to fellow human beings.  It’s exactly what our world needs right now.  We need this kindness.  We need to be treating each other like they/we matter.


Bobby points out the great things happening in the world that aren’t covered on TV news.  “if it bleeds, it leads”.  “If it makes you smile, stay for a while”.  Good media is important.


Ryans turns the interview segment over to Bobby…


We need a “Goofy Button” and have the guests control them.  Fun!  Fun!


Fart Button?  What!?!



Interview Segment:



Travis Hysell from


“Why put so much focus on compassion?”


Tell us about you, Travis.  He is not an alien from another planet, or anything like that.  Right?


Carved a hole in Travis’ little geek soul…Bobby forgot super hero trivia.


Bobby’s geek card has been revoked.


Grew up in Utah, and all over the West.  Mostly Utah.  As a kids they would do good things, that were fun and wacky, without harming anything.  They were cleaning the stop signs and a police officer shook his head and wandered off.


Bobby’s wife had a graffiti removal group.  The police will give you the paint to help clean up the community and create connection.


They were doing something they thought they wouldn’t get in trouble for.  This was on a date.  Hehe….this guy is different.  Instead of doing acts of mischief.


Travis is just a cool guy.


How did you end up here?  Life changes.  Failed marriage.  Moved to be closer to his sons, and now has custody of them.  Rare situation.  He stayed here, because he likes it. Cool place.  Culture.  People are Good.  We’ve got some great stuff here.


Come to Salt Lake City.  Cool, interesting culture here.


What does Biz4Good mean to you?


Travis wasn’t aware of the show until he saw them at a concert.  They are doing something really cool.  Travis wanted to make the connection.  The show is helping to support the acts of doing good.  That’s how cool things get done.  When people get connected even more things get done!


Bobby only got to 4 on the Wing Challenge…will never do that again!  Haha…lava



Ryan is gonna do the next challenge.  But, with sushi.


When we have our guests on the show, it’s when we have a chance to exchange.  The relationships outside of the work are worth the effort and incredible things come out of those connections.


When the walls break down from separation and people realize what they have in common.  That’s what life is all about.  It give us fulfillment.


Now, tell us about the Legacy Initiative.


Started in 2012.  A group of friends.  9 people in his living room.  Decided they wanted to make a mark that would outlive them all.  Legacy Initiative is something they can leave behind.  They wanted to be organic.


Started with some ideas.  Like food rescue.  Getting food from stores to the people in need.  The food going to the dump, while people were going hungry.


Got tortillas and chips, they were getting tired of them.  Tortilla this and that, sandwiches and cutting them up to put them on salad.  At his house one night they had a pallet of tortillas.  They were going to the hot tub, giggling about the pallet.  One of the founding members said that we should make burritos and go feed the homeless.  This was Friday night, by Sunday they scoped out the downtown area and saw church groups providing meals and such.  They wanted to do something different.


We didn’t want people to stand in line for a “hand out”.  Instead deliver and have some dignitiy and a better experience for the people who were going to be serving.  Went to Dell Taco on taco Thursday, did a beta test to hand out tacos to the people.  The chance to interface with people, talk and hear their stories.  A sliver of what they are experiencing.


A whole different dynamic.  Their first outing.  Last few tacos to pass out, Pioneer Park, just a few people were there at dusk.  A little tiny, frail, blonde lady that was clearly very ill.  There was a man acting as her guardian.  They had bonded like family in just a couple of days of knowing each other.  Travis was helping this lady eat, because she was leaning on him…she expressed how much she appreciated being cared for.  This was life-changing for Travis and his friends.


How could we not go bigger after having an experience like that.  850 homemade burritos a few weeks later.  We do this the first Saturday of every month.  Wow!


Always looking for volunteers.  Everyone’s Welcome!


Their roster has about 1500 or better folks who have pitched in.  Last Dec they had nearly 1000.  They make the burritos themselves.  200 volunteers in the kitchen.


Rico Brand lets them use their commercial kitchen.  His products are at Farmers Market.


Jorge would be  a great guest for the show!


700 people on the streets handing out burritos and water.  The number of volunteers was consuming.  It was overwhelming.  So, they cap off how many people can help.  This is hard on the people being helped, seeing a large number of people coming at them.  They got backpacks donated.  Vests for safety.  Pass out hygiene items…seasonal items, and whatever they have on hand.


Causeplay was created.  They make movie grade costumes.  Hospital and visits to health care facilities have standards for cleanliness.  They visit children who are under-privileged at hospitals, parades, all kinds of different events.


Bobby does the Grinch.  He wants to go!  Holiday stuff coming up.


How can people get in touch?


Their calendar is posted there.  Portals to donate. And, all you need to get involved.


Hope Lockers was another project, they partnered with an organization, that created a trailer with lockers for people to put their stuff if they were homeless.  On a trailer…so many great ideas to help people.  So needed.  Thank You, Travis!


Red Team is another pet project of Travis’One idea in his head that took a while to come to fruition.  Like neighborhood watch…but, not on that level.  Wanted the presence and visibility.  Getting on the streets, doing clean up, getting paraphenelia off the grounds where children could potentially access them.  Hundreds of needles.


What’s Next?


Travis has ideas, but right now they are building out what they have.  They’ve had some organizational changes, and are looking closer at how they train their leaders.  The current leaders mentoring future leaders.  Maintaining integrity for our organization.  It’s a non-profit, but it’s also a business.  No one is getting paid.  They all have full time day jobs.


Why do you put so much focus on Compassion?  Kindness without Conditions.


Their motto of non-judgement.  Serving people that are homeless.  Don’t ask them if they are homeless.  Or anything like that.  Just simply, “Are you hungry?”  Do you need something else we have ?  Non judgement of those that we serve.


And, our teams try to show acceptance of where everyone comes from.


Still hope for the human race.  Bobby & Ryan are gonna do a road trip on this one!


Ready to cook up some beans and make some burritos!


Thanks Again, Travis J


Travis Hysell is founder and board chair of The Legacy Initiative, a Utah grassroots non-profits that does outreach to Salt Lake City’s homeless. Formed in 2012, the organization includes seven unique teams made up of 700+ volunteers aimed at fighting hunger, providing humanitarian aid and educating people. The Humanitarian Services Team, for instance, renders services and direct aid to those experiencing homeless and their pets. The Red Team provides safety and community-watch services, while the “Causeplay” Team volunteers dress up in high end superhero and princess costumes to bring sunshine to kids suffering from homelessness, poverty and serious illness. The legacy in Hysell’s mind is “to remind the members of our communities how to look after those in need, and to get engaged in creating positive change at a local level. We want to inspire all people to be the change, and make a permanent, positive contribution to our community; to build a legacy we all can be proud of.”




#BeGoodDoGood  #Biz4GoodShow



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-The End-