Biz 4 Good Show

With Bobby Glen James & Ryan Pilkington

Ep41 Do you believe in Magic? In the work place. Brent Reddekopp




The #Biz4GoodShow Episode 41: ” Do you believe in Magic?  In the work place.”

With our Special In-Studio Guest, Brent Reddekopp:

Brent was born to be part of manufacturing companies. He loves them!  There are challenges and accomplishments daily.  Brent is the President of Powerblanket since 2013.  Prior to that he worked for IBM, Digital Equipment Corp (shows how old he is), and a few consulting firms.  He loves his family, sports, and the outdoors.  He hates to sleep.






“Welcome to the B4G show!!! With your hosts


Bobby Glen James & Ryan PILKINGTON!”



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Today’s Show is brought to you by:  Entrepreneurs, Founders, & Leaders meeting also livestreamed on FB of their weekly face-to-face meeting.  Mentors teaching, and helping you taking entrepreneurship to the next level.  Learn new tools to grow your business!  Networking on a whole new level.


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Still no listeners in New Mexico.  While we have 900 listeners in Japan.  Let’s go New Mexico!  Japan is business-minded.


Brent says let’s get someone’s grandmother to listen J



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Huge Thanks to Brent for being on the show.  Brent does a big shout out to his employees at Powerblanket. 




B4G Segments Today


Biz Hack:


Words of Wisdom from Brent Reddekopp.  Complete honesty & complete integrity.  What Brent has learned thru the years, once you step onto the slippery slope of gray, it’s hard to come back.  You have to think quick on your feet and need to have a clean conscious to do good business. 


Brent has a story that he tells to support this premise.  This means so much more than you could ever believe!  Listen to the show on

This is true with customers, team members, family, neighbors:


Just Keep Your Word.


People want to do business with you!


What did we say, or commit to, in our words.  Our word is our bond.


Words of Wisdom.  Brent is blowing us out of the water with powerful tools.



Good News Story:


How One Ohio Senior Helped a Young Man Fulfill His Dreams

We forget there’s a lot of good stuff going on in the world, besides what we see on the news.



Quote of the Day:


We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated. – Maya Angelou


Brent’s input on this….Teddy Roosevelt, getting in the arena blood, sweat & tears….doesn’t matter – Get in the Arena.  Whether you win or not, you don’t quit.  Successful people just don’t quit. 


It’s not if we fail. It’s if we get back on the horse.  Pull on the boots & Rock it.


Brent really is one of the most powerful guys he knows.  It’s not just the paycheck.  They love one another….




Interview Segment:


” Do you believe in Magic?  In the work place.”


With our Special In-Studio Guest, Brent Reddekopp.


Brent was born to be part of manufacturing companies. He loves them!  There are challenges and accomplishments daily.  Brent is the President of Powerblanket since 2013.  Prior to that he worked for IBM, Digital Equipment Corp (shows how old he is), and a few consulting firms.  He loves his family, sports, and the outdoors.  He hates to sleep.


Welcome Welcome!


Who is Brent, what’s going on in the world of Brentness….Bobby’s on fire.


Brent was born and raised on an Idaho farm.  4000 acres of Idaho Potatoes.  His first lesson in life was hard work.


Graduated from high school and worked in corporate American.  Now he is an entrepreneur who is teaching team members to create magic.  One member thought magic was more like luck, rather than working hard each day to make accomplishments in life.


What does Biz4Good mean to Brent?


He is so excited for Ryan & Bobby.  He talks about an award in the Manufacturer’s Association is Share Learn Grow.  Just being with these guys for a short time, Brent says this show, and these guys do this.  It improves business & personal lives.  Grow Share & Learn.  This is what we all need to be doing.




Bobby’s Speechless.




Huge Thanks to Brent Reddekopp for being with us today.


Doing good is a powerful way to do business.


Brent tells Amazon, who buys a lot of products from them,  people are usually the most awesome.  However, sometimes there is that “pill” or “buggar”  other descriptions, depends…  For the most part people are good.


Bobby says the media tends to demonize people.  Mom calls to tell him if there is something he needs to know.


Ryan says, the leader is so important.  To lead people with integrity is key to success.


Powerblanket is a manufacturing company with a culture that is powerful, family-oriented place.  It’s actually magical.


If you could come there, or talk to anyone on Brent’s team, we want to help you.  That’s why we join organizations.  Paying it forward.  Everyone’s welcome to come for a tour.


They just won an award.  Bobby asks Brent to talk about it.


They are the smallest company to ever win this award in North America.


An award for Manufacturing Excellence.  They worked on this for 4 years.  They applied for it 3 years ago.  An auditor comes out and looks at every aspect of your business.  The first time they failed.  Brent loves to win.  But, they got back into the arena.  Just accepted the award.


They have 50 to 60 team members.  Everyone one of them are super stars.  They accept accountability.  They are empowered to make decisions.  It’s an exciting place to work.


Wonderful People.  Wonderful Investors.  Powerful Event.


The future.  Ryan wants to know, “What is Powerblanket?”


Base core technology are big electric blankets for outside use.  To pour concrete, etc.


Empowering people.  2 aspects: Clarity – clear of goals, roles and responsibilities, expectations..and, keep talking about clarity.  Making sure others understand us.

Trust – 2 types: predictable, just because we work together a lot.  Vulnerable-based trust, is where you really trust people who are close to you.  Completely.  But, difficult to do in the workplace.  If you go underground, complaining, you are not doing your job.


Do you trust your co-worker to tell them you aren’t good at something.  These are weakness.  Knowing that, and moving forward to build trust.


They do processes and proactive things.  Everyone participates.


Gallup Poll book called Strength Finders….Great tool to help build teams!


Brent has another great story about an employee coming to him and asking for help.  Listen Up:


Start with Clarity & Trust….Come there and you can feel the Culture.  It’s Magic!


Hats Off to the Team!  We all have to buy into it.  Those who don’t, have to leave.  They will help them get a job somewhere else.


One More Story from Brent.  You just gotta listen!


Powerblanket Saves Jobs….Worldwide people need this!


For the betterment of Powerblanket teammembers….


Impromptu:  B4G Road Trip to Power Blanket.  Yes!!


Come and ask people what they really think.


Send an email to info at & we’ll get you answers.  Large industrial companies are their customers.  Some new products coming out for snow on the steps and sidewalk.


Go Powerblanket!  Industrial mats for cars and driveways.  Oh My!


Thank You, Brent.


#BeGoodDoGood  #Biz4GoodShow



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That’s All Folks!