Biz 4 Good Show

With Bobby Glen James & Ryan Pilkington

Ep22 What matters most … to You! EFL360 Founders Roundtable June

What Matters Most to You? #EFL360FoundersRoundtable LIVE! on the #Biz4GoodShow here on Facebook Thursday, June 29th at 2pm. #EFL360 has been serving and training Entrepreneurs, Founders, and Leaders of business for over six years. Tune In & Learn 🙂

While eating protein drinks….not Biz Munchers.

B4G Studio News:

Cassie Swirls is booked to be on the show August 3, 2017.  She is a 5 year old painter.  All proceeds go to charities.  Our painting proceeds go to a children’s hospice in Australia where Cassie Swirls is from.

Doubled our listenership.  Follow us on Facebook, and see the show live on FB & YouTube every Thursday at 2pm MST.

Biz Should Do Good….

BIZ Hack:

Warren Buffet tells us public speaking boosts character, communication with partners and investors.  Even with a fear of public speaking, Buffet took Dale Carnegie’s course and dropped out on his first try.  You can do it.

It’s a powerful thing to learn how to speak.  Entrepreneurs have to be in front of the crowd.


Don’t just deliver (throw up on people) we need to communicate effectively.  What is your brand’s message?  -Jay

You own your business message.  Is it good?  Do you own it well? You’ve got to learn how to deliver that message.   -Kevin

Own your message. –Jay

Ryan shares story about Amazing Lance Armstrong.  Bullying Awareness. Raising money for charity through sports.

Report of the Day:

Will need to get quote from Ryan!  Comfort Zone out the Window….

Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone.

Mindset where you are comfortable with change.  Too much emphasis on do things that make you scared.  How about being more comfortable with change.  -Jay

Let’s get excited about change!  -Bobby

Change can be difficult. Sky says, “Graceful Acceptance”.

EFL360 Founders Roundtable

What matters most to you?

This month we learned how to look at our values as business owners.  And, owning your message.  What matters most to us, needs to matter to our customers.  High level; there is a lot that can matter with a company.

We focused on personal values of a business owner.  Then, they ended talking about things like where do you shop?  And, finding out where the inconsistencies lie.

Philosophies about Business are sometimes not very human.  If it’s personal, it’s not business.

Not taking things personal is different than our personal values and business decisions.  The core values of the investors are going to play out.  If one value is different than what the business represents.  That will show up in sales and potentially cause issues.

It’s about our core values and mission.  We have to manage this, or others will do so.

What matters most to you.

Business owners often don’t think about what is most important, or their personal values, because they might alienate their customers.  Hobby Lobby example.  Might have lost some business, but so committed to their core values, they were willing to make the risk.

If you’re trying to connect with everybody, that’s a recipe for failure.  If you stand up for who and what your business are, there is much more value, than what the percentage of the market who do not.

Your vibe attracts your tribe….

Independent Contract or Freelance, because you want to do your own thing.  I want a higher quality product.  Basing importance on these priorities.  Cutting quality to focus on price.

We have to know where we are to find out where we want to go.

Why don’t we do this?  Maybe we just don’t know what their values really are.

What matters might get lost in all the busy-ness.

Great stories of great companies built on great values.  Some good examples.

Your WHY is what matters most.  Your why is what leads you to the how.

Why is the most important question.  The discussion becomes deep into the whys of doing business.  Where your why is….

Somebody’s else’s why. Resources that match what you are doing.  So important to focus on what matters most to ME.  Taking a look at the why, and aligning it with your business.

Right now I need:  sales, inventory, capital…

Sometimes hard to think about this when you are just trying to keep afloat.  Got to stop swinging that axe or shovel, and think about the why of doing business.

How to make your message matter to people:

Go to EFL360 website, Facebook page, Twitter

Next Biz Munchers is Friday, July 7th 11:30-1pm  BizMucherz on FB

Next month talking about how EFL is going to be rolling out.  Pitch 360 – first one today!  Next one in August.

Advocate Tees concert:  Music against bullying.

September 9, 2017  will be Advocate Tees Concert Series.  Back to School.  Mental Health Awareness.  Discussion about big names for this concert.  Food Trucks, Booths, Local Talent, Positive Energy.  Important Message.

#BeGoodDoGood  #ReWritetheHeadlines